Most Reverend John C. Nienstedt on the Holy Eucharist
Love Divine, all
love's excelling,
joy of heaven to earth come down!
Fix in us your humble dwelling,
all your faithful mercies crown.
Jesus source of all compassion,
love unbounded, love all pure;
visit us with your salvation,
let your love in us endure.
I have a firm belief that this feast of Corpus Christi should
never be celebrated without a procession. Having had the good
fortune to study in Italy, I was present on two occasions in
the hill town of Orvieto where every year, the town’s folk
participate in an elaborate procession, wearing medieval
costumes and carrying huge elaborate banners throughout their
town. The priest, holding the monstrance on high, processes
through all the streets of that city, blessing the people
where they live and work and socialize.
It seems to me that this is the reason why the Church gives us
this feast of Corpus Christi at the end of the liturgical
celebration of Our Lord, immediately following His passion and
death and ascension and the outpouring of His Holy Spirit on
Pentecost. Obviously, there is a parallel between this feast
and Holy Thursday. But on Holy Thursday, we commemorate the
great gift of the Lord's Body and Blood, offered in sacrifice
from the cross on Good Friday. On that night, we contemplate
the tremendous love for us that motivated our Blessed Lord to
offer Himself so unselfishly on our behalf.
But, today, the emphasis is somewhat different. Having been
assured that we are deeply grateful for and appreciate the
wonderful gift that the Eucharist is for us, the Church
addresses for our ears, the words of Jesus to His disciples in
today’s gospel: “Unless you eat the flesh of the son of man
and drink his blood, you will not have life within you....
Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I
in him.”
In this wonderful feast of Corpus Christi, we celebrate not
just the Lord’s command to “do this in memory of me,” but we
celebrate the great challenge to remain in Him as the Body of
Christ, bearing witness to His presence by what we say and do,
by how we treat others and by the way we talk about them,
bringing His presence to others in our every day world.
Yes, I am fully convinced that we ought never celebrate the
feast of Corpus Christi without a procession. So, please humor
me today by doing me a favor. As you leave the Church and get
into your cars to go home, think of yourselves as continuing
the procession that we have just experienced. This is quite
possible because you are actually carrying within you the Body
and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Take that presence proudly
and with full consciousness to all those you will meet during
this next week. Share that presence joyfully and lovingly with
every person you see—wherever they live, wherever they work,
wherever they socialize. Let your personal Corpus Christi
procession bring Christ to the world of your every day life.
Love Divine, all
love's excelling,
joy of heaven to earth come down!
Fix in us your humble dwelling,
all your faithful mercies crown.
Jesus source of all compassion,
love unbounded, love all pure;
visit us with your salvation,
let your love in us endure.